Robert F. Chew ist gestorben
19.01.2013 Der 1960 geborene US-amerikanische Filmschauspieler Robert F. Chew (Bild) ist am 17. Januar 2013 in seiner Heimatstadt Baltimore gestorben.
Foto: © Paul Schiraldi/HBO
"Robert F. Chew spielte einen der beliebtesten Charaktere in der TV-Serie 'The Wire'. Sein Proposition Joe prägte die aussergewöhnliche Cop-Saga - und gehörte dort zu den sympathischeren Drogendealern. Der Charakterdarsteller verstarb in seiner Heimatstadt Baltimore im Alter von 52 Jahren."
"As Proposition Joe Stewart, the portly, deeply connected and relatively civil drug kingpin on 'The Wire,' he preferred to broker deals between rival drug factions rather than resort to violence."
"The talented actor, who also taught and mentored young actors at the Baltimore Arena Players, was remembered by The Wire‘s creator David Simon. He told The Baltimore Sun, 'Robert was not only an exceptional actor, he was an essential part of the film and theater community in Baltimore,' adding, 'He could have gone to New York or Los Angeles and commanded a lot more work, but he loved the city as his home and chose to remain here working.'"