Der amerikanische Science-Fiction-Autor Frederik Pohl ist gestorben
05.09.2013 Der 1919 in New York City geborene US-amerikanische Science-Fiction-Autor Frederik Pohl (Bild) ist am 2. September 2013 in Palatine, Illinois, gestorben.
Foto: AllyUnion, 2008 - Lizenz: Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported - Zur Originaldatei:
Pohl ist einer der am meisten ausgezeichneten Science-Fiction-Autoren. Er gewann insgesamt sechsmal den Hugo Award (als einziger als Herausgeber und Autor), dreimal den Nebula Award (inklusive des Grand Master für sein Lebenswerk), dreimal den Locus Award, und zweimal den John W. Campbell Memorial Award, neben anderen. Weitere Auszeichnungen bekam er für sein Wirken außerhalb der Science-Fiction, unter anderem den United Nations Society of Writers Award.
Frederik Pohl, whose passion for science fiction while growing up in Brooklyn led to a distinguished career as one of its most literate and politically sophisticated practitioners, though one who was skeptical about attempts to perfect society through scientific means, died on Monday.
Frederik Pohl, who has died aged 93, was one of the greatest and most prolific of American science-fiction writers. During a career lasting more than 60 years, Pohl was among the most celebrated and popular authors of his era. His novel The Space Merchants (1953), written in collaboration with CM Kornbluth, was the first modern satire of American consumerism. It was translated into more than 40 languages and rightly remains a classic. Kingsley Amis said that it had "many claims to being the best science-fiction novel so far".