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Daniel Leutenegger
Rathausgasse 18
CH-3011 Bern

Carlos Fuentes ist gestorben

Carlos Fuentes ist gestorben

15.05.2012 Der 1928 in Panama-Stadt geborene mexikanische Schriftsteller Carlos Fuentes Macías (Bild) ist heute Dienstag in Mexiko-Stadt gestorben.

Foto: http://www.clubcultura.com


Bild: Carlos Fuentes, Miami Bookfair International, 1987 - Foto: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:MDCarchives, Lizenz: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.de. Die Originaldatei findet sich hier: http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:Carlos_Fuentes,_1987.jpg&filetimestamp=20090121143235

"Der Autor von Werken wie 'Die gläserne Grenze', 'Terra nostra', 'Nichts als das Leben' oder 'Alle Katzen sind grau' war 1928 in Panama geboren worden. Er gehörte zu den ganz Grossen der spanischsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur und wurde oft in einem Atemzug mit den Nobelpreisträgern Gabriel García Márquez (85) oder Octavio Paz (1914-1998) genannt."


Chronist der Mythen

"Einer der Granden der Weltliteratur, der mexikanische Schriftsteller Carlos Fuentes, ist am Dienstag 83jährig gestorben. Fuentes gehörte zu jener Generation von lateinamerikanischen Autoren, welche die Flurschäden der Kolonisation nicht nur registrierten, sondern ihnen erstmals auch etwas genuin Eigenes entgegensetzten."

Kersten Knipp in der "NZZ":


"Mr Fuentes was a leading figure in the Latin American literary boom of the 1960s and 1970s, a friend of both Gabriel García Márquez and Mario Vargas Llosa (as well as of Octavio Paz until their relationship was destroyed by an intemperate attack on Mr Fuentes in Mr Paz's literary magazine). Many thought it unjust that he alone of these four did not receive the Nobel prize.

He was no magical realist. His inspirations were Cervantes and Borges. His language was complex. He employed multiple voices and styles. His upbringing in two cultures, Latin American and Anglo-Saxon, made him both a Mexican and a universal writer.

He was a man of the left, but a democratic one. He was initially enthusiastic about both the Cuban revolution and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, but later criticised their authoritarianism. He had no time for Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, calling him a 'tropical Mussolini'."


"(...) But it was mainly through his literature, Mr. Fuentes believed, that he could make his voice heard, and he did so prolifically and inventively, tracing the history of modern Mexico in layered stories that also explored universal themes of love, memory and death. In 'The Death of Artemio Cruz,' a 1962 novel that many call his masterpiece, his title character, an ailing newspaper baron confined to his bed, looks back at his climb out of poverty and his heroic exploits in the Mexican Revolution, concluding that it had failed in its promise of a more egalitarian society.

His novels remained ambitious and topical. His last, 'Destiny and Desire' (2011), is a sprawling work that Michael Wood, writing in The New York Times Book Review, described as 'not exactly a parody of ‘War and Peace,' but certainly a spectral, playful revision of the idea of a novel that competes with history'."


"Universal Mexican"

"In many of his works he drew on historical events.

His narrative, like that of his contemporaries of the Latin American Boom, was rarely linear, instead relying on flashbacks and changing perspectives.

Among English-language readers he is arguably best known for his novel 'The Old Gringo', which was made into a film starring Gregory Peck in 1989.

The novel was inspired by the real-life disappearance of American journalist Ambrose Bierce during the 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution.

He was also outspoken in his political views, and was a vocal critic of US administrations, including Washington's policies on immigration and the war on terror.

Fuentes was also highly critical of Mexican politics, and in a recent interview with the BBC World Service, he called for a different approach to the war on drugs."


"Throughout his life, wherever he lived, Mexico was the centre of Fuentes's artistic preoccupations. In his late 70s, he provided a typically graphic description of the attraction he felt for his own land: 'It's a very enigmatic country, and that's a good thing because it keeps us alert, makes us constantly try to decipher the enigma of Mexico, the mystery of Mexico, to understand a country that is very, very baroque, very complicated and full of surprises.'"


"En 2008 recibió un homenaje por sus 80 años en el Auditorio Nacional, donde el escritor reflexionó sobre la literatura y la vida. Sin embargo, y a pesar del reconocimiento de su obra, en 2001, cuando el entonces secretario del trabajo Carlos Abascal encontró a su hija leyendo Aura, pidió que la directora de la secundaria fuera sancionada por recomendar esa lectura pues calificó el libro de Fuentes como un texto de una 'fuerte sensación sensual'. El hecho causó polémica en el país, y fue calificado como una censura para la obra, cuyas ventas crecieron de manera exponencial."


"Carlos Fuentes, quien murió hoy en la capital mexicana a los 83 años de edad, más que un escritor fue para los colombianos un libre pensador, un icono y símbolo de libertad con su narrativa, ensayos y conferencias magistrales."



Un Día Con Carlos Fuentes


Conversando con Cristina Pacheco - Carlos Fuentes (16/03/2012)


Aristegui - Carlos Fuentes y Su Perspectiva Para 2012 2/3


Carlos Fuentes on Mexico's Drug War








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