Daniel Leutenegger, Rathausgasse 18, CH-3011 Bern, www.ch-cultura.ch

Daniel Leutenegger
Rathausgasse 18
CH-3011 Bern

John H. West ist gestorben

John H. West ist gestorben

24.01.2013 Der 1950 geborene Musik- und Aufnahmeproduzent John H. West ist am 11. Januar 2013 gestorben. In der Schweiz war er vor allem durch seine lange intensive Zusammenarbeit mit Yehudi Menuhin bekannt.

John West (right) working in the studio with Dame Felicity Lott and Malcolm Martineau - photo: © Andrew Mellor

"A colleague in the same profession as John recently remarked that a good producer has, for the duration of a recording, to assume the role of an artist's best friend. John West's gift for friendship ensured a bond with the artists who loved him that went beyond mere professional artifice.

Sir Yehudi Menuhin, the vast majority of whose recordings he produced in that artist's last decade, once said that he would follow him to the ends of the earth, and John treasured the rare test pressings of the 1940s and 1950s that Menuhin bequeathed to him.

His insights into the personalities as well as the musical qualities of those with whom he worked inspired the affection of artists as diverse as the violinist Tasmin Little, soprano Dame Felicity Lott and the pianist James Rhodes.

Many became close friends and delighted recipients of hospitality at the York home which John shared with Louis, his partner of over 40 years."




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