Daniel Leutenegger, Rathausgasse 18, CH-3011 Bern, www.ch-cultura.ch

Daniel Leutenegger
Rathausgasse 18
CH-3011 Bern

Der legendäre US-amerikanische Folk-Sänger, Musiker, Komponist, Umweltschützer und Bürgerrechtler Pete Seeger ist gestorben

Der legendäre US-amerikanische Folk-Sänger, Musiker, Komponist, Umweltschützer und Bürgerrechtler Pete Seeger ist gestorben

28.01.2014 Der am 3. Mai 1919 in New York geborene US-amerikanische Folk-Sänger, Musiker, Komponist, Umweltschützer, Politaktivist und Festivalorganisator Pete Seeger (Bild) ist am 27. Januar 2014 ebendort gestorben. Bob Dylan bezeichnete Pete Seeger als "lebendigen Heiligen"; Bruce Springsteen nannte ihn das "lebende Archiv von Amerikas Musik und Gewissen". Das Clearwater-Hudson-River-Revival-Festival von Toshi und Pete Seeger in der Nähe von New York City war eines der Vorbilder und ein ideeller Partner der Gurtenfestival-Gründer in Bern.

Bild oben: Pete Seeger im Jahr 2009 an seinem Clearwater Festival - Great Hudson River Revival (vgl. Bilder ganz am Schluss) - Foto: © Chita Fricker

Bild unten: Pete Seeger, 2011 - Foto: Jim, the Photographer, http://www.flickr.com/photos/jcapaldi/5854785981/ - CC-Lizenz: Namensnennung 2.0 US-amerikanisch (nicht portiert) - Zur Originaldatei: http://de.wikipedia.org/

Pete Seeger

Pete Seeger, Hudson River Activist and Folk Musician, Dead at 94

Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Mourns the Passing of its Inspiring Founder

What can a song do? What can a sailboat do? Some would say music exists just to soothe or distract people from their troubles. Some say sailboats are just rich men's toys. Wrong, wrong. In the summer of 1969 they helped to start cleaning up a river. 

- from the book, Pete Seeger, in His Own Words

Pete Seeger, legendary folk singer-songwriter and activist, founder of the modern environmental and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater founder, passed away on January 27, at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City surrounded his family. Seeger, whose name is synonymous with cause music and a major figure in American Folk music, was age 94. Seeger had been in excellent health for the majority of his life and performed concerts and at gatherings up until recently.


Pete Seeger Clearwater

Foto: © Dona Crawford, http://www.clearwater.org/latest-news/pete-seeger-passes/

Last night, at around 9:30 pm, Pete Seeger passed on. He was 94, so it shouldn't have been a huge shock or surprise ... but Pete was always so engaged and inspiring and such a curious amalgamation of sage wisdom with the flexibility and ability to evolve that is usually reserved for the young, that it's still hard to believe he's gone.



 peter seeger sing out

Bild: Seeger at 86 on the cover of Sing Out! (Summer 2005), a magazine he helped found in 1950 - http://en.wikipedia.org

In the early '70s, when I came to the Hudson Valley to open the Towne Crier Cafe, I heard Pete Seeger lived nearby, in Beacon, and I hoped to meet the great man. Sure enough, when one of our first scheduled performers was detained by car trouble, Pete showed up and volunteered to "fill in." That, I soon came to learn, was "typical Pete".

It was the beginning of a relationship that spanned four decades. As we got to know each other, I became involved with the Clearwater organization and Pete's passion to reclaim the Hudson River. "Phil," he said, "if you want to change the world, you start at home." My role for the next four years was to help turn their annual folk picnic into what has become the Clearwater Festival-Great Hudson River Revival.

One year, I was instrumental in booking Pete at the New Orleans Jazz Festival. As we landed in New Orleans, I worried that I had blundered by bringing a folk icon with his banjo to a loud party of a festival. But sure enough, Pete charmed them immediately with his spirit and won them over with his songs. That's when I realized how much he had come to mean to us all.

Pete graced our stage many, many times over the years, sometimes on behalf of a specific cause-but always in the name of music and its power to build community and change the world.

It's no exaggeration to say Pete was a major reason we moved to Beacon, and he made us feel right at home with his neighborly visits. In fact, Pete "played" the Towne Crier even before we opened, setting up an impromptu stage outside with some musical friends during our annual Spirit of Beacon Day.

Although he was ailing, Pete took to the Towne Crier stage in November for "The Weavers at 65," a fundraiser for the Beacon Sloop Club. He seemed genuinely joyful that night, in his hometown, among friends, never tiring in his mission.

We knew then, as Pete knew, his time would not be long, that this day would come. Like all of you, I mourn his passing, deeply. But I celebrate his long, vibrant, meaningful and fruitful life.

Pete was that rare person who lived up to his ideals. Ever humble ("I don't like ‘big'," he once told me), unyielding in his convictions, he had a song to sing, and he sang it. It was about the hammer of justice, the bell of freedom, and the love between his brother and his sisters all over this land.

Phil Ciganer



Pete Seeger

Bild: Pete Seeger (rechts) und Phil Ciganer im Towne Crier Cafe, www.townecrier.com

"Lebendes Archiv von Amerikas Musik und Gewissen"

Als "Lebendes Archiv von Amerikas Musik und Gewissen" bezeichnete vor einigen Jahren Bruce Springsteen den Folk-Musiker und Polit-Aktivisten Pete Seeger. 52 Studioalben hat er in sechs Jahrzehnten veröffentlicht, zu den bekanntesten Liedern zählen "Where Have All The Flowers Gone", "Turn! Turn! Turn!" oder "If I Had a Hammer".


Er politisierte bis zuletzt, indem er immer weiter sang. 2009 gab er "This Land Is Your Land" für Barack Obama zum besten, als der in sein Präsidentenamt eingeführt wurde. 2011 zog er mit den Demonstranten von Occupy durch die Strassen von New York und sang mit "We Shall Overcome" gegen die Macht der Wall Street an. Und noch letzten Sommer, es ist der letzte Auftritt, den Wikipedia für seine Karriere vermerkt, spielte Pete Seeger noch einmal für Farm Aid, und wieder zupfte er das alte Stück von Woody Guthrie, das auch sein Denken geprägt hat: "This Land Is Your Land". Das Land gehört nicht den Mächtigen, es gehört euch.

Christoph Fellmann



Wegweisende Persönlichkeit

Die amerikanische Musikszene hat eine wegweisende Persönlichkeit verloren. Noch 2008 brachte der Musiker ein neues Album heraus: "Pete Seeger At 89". Im vergangenen September trat er mit Neil Young und Willie Nelson bei einem Benefizkonzert für Farm Aid in Saratoga Springs, New York, auf, und bis zu seinem Lebensende war er davon überzeugt, dass harte Arbeit und Idealismus eine bessere Zukunft bringen würden.

Hanspeter Künzler



Ein aufrechter Mann - mit sanfter Entschiedenheit

Pete Seeger machte aus vergessenen Folksongs Protestlieder. Er sang mit sanfter Entschiedenheit gegen Krieg und für Bürgerrechte, er inspirierte mit Songs wie "We Shall Overcome" Generationen von Singer/Songwritern. In ihm brannte ein Feuer - musikalisch wie politisch.

Felix Bayer





Pete Seeger 1955


Bild: Pete Seeger, 1955 - Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection - http://en.wikipedia.org/

Die älteste Stimme des linken Amerika

Ohne seine Songs wäre die Geschichte der Bürgerrechtsbewegung anders verlaufen: Der grosse Folkmusiker Pete Seeger ist tot. Die Welt müssen jetzt andere retten.

Volker Schmidt



Von Mächten und Menschen

Er sass als Kommunist im Gefängnis, und er schrieb einige der schönsten Lieder des 20. Jahrhunderts: Der Folksänger Pete Seeger, Vorbild dreier Musikergenerationen, ist am Montag gestorben.

Dieter Bartetzko



"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" und "We Shall Overcome" machte er zu Hymnen der Friedens- und Bürgerrechtsbewegung.


"La question n'est pas: est-ce de la bonne musique? Mais: à quoi sert cette musique?"

Avec cette force née de la simplicité d'une voix, d'un banjo à cinq cordes ou d'une guitare à douze cordes, le chanteur américain Pete Seeger répétait: "La question n'est pas: est-ce de la bonne musique? Mais: à quoi sert cette musique?" Pete Seeger avait déroulé un chapelet de ballades ancrées dans l'inconscient américain, telle Goodnight Irene, certaines servant d'étendards aux grèves de mineurs (Which Side Are You On?), à la bataille pour les droits civiques (We Shall Overcome) ou contre la guerre au Vietnam (Study War no More).

Véronique Mortaigne



Through all this, Seeger endured and performed steadily, in later years most often with his grandson Tao Rodríguez. A popular radio series biography about the artist and his music, Pete Seeger: How Can I Keep from Singing?, aired on more than 200 stations in the summer and autumn of 2008, and 40 artists (including Springsteen, John Mellencamp, Arlo Guthrie, Ani DiFranco, Taj Mahal and Dave Matthews) joined to celebrate his 90th birthday at Madison Square Garden, New York, in 2009.


For Mr. Seeger, folk music and a sense of community were inseparable, and where he saw a community, he saw the possibility of political action.

Jon Pareles


Pete Seeger, Folk Legend

Seminal figure in American music influenced generations of musicians from Bob Dylan to Bruce Springsteen

David Browne



Pete Seeger, Bruce Springsteen und rund eine halbe Million Menschen: "This Land Is Your Land" - 18.1.2009



Pete Seeger: "Where Have all the Flowers Gone?"

In concert with Arlo Guthrie


Pete Seeger: "Where Have all the Flowers Gone?"


Pete Seeger & Johnny Cash: "Worried Man Blues" 

ABC TV Show 4 march 1970
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville Tenn. 


Pete Seeger, Sonny Terry, Brownie McGhee: "Down by the Riverside"


Pete Seeger performs at the NYC Community Garden Coalition Forum


Pete Seeger: "Turn Turn Turn", "If I Had A Hammer", "We Shall Overcome"


Pete Seeger: "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy"


Pete Seeger: "Guantanamera"

Pete and his grandson Tao lead everyone to sing along to this great song.
Live at Wolftrap, August 8, 1993.


Pete Seeger: "This Land is Your Land" (Live at Farm Aid 2013)



Radio SRF 1, "Rendez-vous"

Folk-Sänger Pete Seeger ist 94-jährig gestorben

Pete Seeger war einer der ganz Grossen der US-amerikanischen Folk- und Protestbewegung. Am Montag ist der Musiker im Alter von 94 Jahren gestorben. Musikredaktor Dominic Dillier über einen kritischen Patrioten.

Audio "Folk-Sänger Pete Seeger ist 94-jährig gestorben" in externem Player öffnen.

Radio SRF 2 Kultur, "Kultur kompakt", 12.10 Uhr:

Musikredaktor Martin Schäfer über Pete Seeger, Urvater des Folk







Pete Seeger Clearwater

Foto: http://www.clearwater.org/festival/index.html / https://www.ch-cultura.ch/de/archiv/feste-und-festivals/clearwater-festival-great-hudson-river-revival

Auf dieser Webseite u.a. erschienen:

Clearwater Festival - Great Hudson River Revival

...  90th birthday celebration and tribute for pete seeger  400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's voyage up the Hudson River pete seeger Inspired by pete seeger's desire ...

Two Clearwater Promos - and Pete Seeger on CBS "Sunday Morning"

...ds for Clearwater, the environmental organization pete seeger founded in 1969. With over 20,000 people attending the concert, Clearwater saw a superb opportunity to offer information regarding its mis...

Pete Seeger 90th Birthday Concert DVD Now on Sale

...emble renditions of musical treasures inspired by pete seeger. Arlo Guthrie, Richie Havens, Kris Kristofferson, John Mellencamp, Emmylou Harris, Ani DiFranco, Bruce Cockburn, Tom Paxton, Billy Bragg, ...

Clearwater's Great Hudson River Revival 2011

... supporting Clearwater and all of its work. pete seeger, unterdessen 92jährige lebende Legende Here's a preview of some of the headline talent:    Saturday, June 18 Pete S...

Toshi-Aline Ohta Seeger ist gestorben

...p Clearwater with husband, musician and activist, pete seeger in 1966. Toshi was involved with Clearwater in multiple ways from the organization's beginnings and helped to steer the various folk co...

Pete Seeger Clearwater

Bild: Pete Seeger at age 88 photographed on 6-16-07 at the Clearwater Festival 2007 by Anthony Pepitone - Dxede5x - CC-Lizenz: Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported - Zur Originaldatei: http://en.wikipedia.org/

UNVERGESSLICHE Erinnerungen an Pete Seegers Clearwater Festival - Great Hudson River Revival

Fotos: © Chita Fricker, 2009








hudson seeger















Fotos: © Chita Fricker, 2009 - dlb

Nachtrag vom 30. 1. 2014

Carrying Forward Pete Seeger's Legacy

"My job is to show folks there's a lot of good music in this world, and if used right it may help save the planet." - Pete Seeger

Dear Clearwater Friends,

It is with a heavy heart that we all reflect on the passing of our founder, Pete Seeger.  

We are all changed forever by the music, words, and deeds of this extraordinary man. Pete gave us so much - inspiration, humor, empowerment, and a vision for cleaning up the Hudson River. It is our honor to carry on his legacy.

Because of Pete's vision, the sloop Clearwater will sail on, welcoming groups of students onboard to explore the majestic beauty of the Hudson River and learn about the natural gifts it holds in store. And we will continue to work to inspire the people of the Hudson Valley, from helping river communities invest in preserving their environment, to extending the invitation to join us in song and celebration at the great Hudson River Revival.  

Today and always, we remember Pete's inspiration and how, through his activism and music, a group came together to "build a boat to save the river." And we have all supported that dream that transformed the future of youth and communities along the Hudson River.

We can gain satisfaction that the mission of Clearwater continues, and Pete's inspiration remains forever. Through all of us his legacy lives on.

The Clearwater Board of Directors, Staff, and Crew


Hudson River Sloop Clearwater

724 Wolcott Avenue / Beacon, NY 12508


(845) 265-8080








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