Daniel Leutenegger, Rathausgasse 18, CH-3011 Bern, www.ch-cultura.ch

Daniel Leutenegger
Rathausgasse 18
CH-3011 Bern

Calvin Russell ist gestorben

Calvin Russell ist gestorben

04.04.2011 Der US-amerikanische Singer-Songwriter Calvin Russell (als Calvert Russell Kosler 1948 geboren in Austin, Texas) ist in Garfield, Texas gestorben. Russell war ein typischer Vertreter des Roots Rock, der seine Wurzeln im Country, Folk und Blues hat.

Bild oben: http://www.rockpalastarchiv.de/concert/calvinrussell.html

"Seine Lebenserfahrungen in der untersten Gesellschaftsschicht machten ihn zu einem Sprachrohr der Underdogs und Entwurzelten." (Wikipedia).

Calvin Russell starb im Alter von 62 Jahren an Krebs. Der Musiker war mit einer Walliserin verheiratet. Er hat oft und gern in Bern gespielt und sich hier eine treue Gemeinde erschaffen; ein besonderer Verehrer von Russell ist Polo Hofer. 

Bild unten: http://www.guitaretv.com/reportages/guitar-heroes-calvin-russell-video-114.html

This Is Your World

Calvin Russell was born a few minutes after a full solar eclipse, on the dark side of the planet, as it slipped from the grasp of the shadow of the Moon. Raised behind Pete Pistol's Wrecking Yard at the end of a dead end street, just north of Austin, Calvin Russell never left this place in his mind or his music. For the rest of us, he left it far behind. With a backdrop of roots Americana music rippling through the country, Calvin Russell re-emerged into the genre main stream, immediately recognizable as the real thing. He paid his dues in prison and in Paris. (...)

Calvin Russell's been on this bus a long time. He came up with Townes Van Zandt, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Blaze Foley, Lucinda Williams, Jerry Jeff Walker, Jubal Clarke, Billy Joe Shaver, Steve Earle, et. al. He went down on his own. A Prisoner Of War on drugs, Calvin endured the dark times by focusing on music and mastering his muse. And then this crusty country boy got discovered. By France - of all places. (...)

The Calvin Russell heard on 'Rebel Radio' is a who's who of Lone Star luminaries: Lloyd Maines on dobro, Freddy Steady Krc on drums, "flatlander" Kimmie Rhoades adding vocals, new-legend Gabe Rhoades making waves on guitar, Jon Blondell, monster bass (and trombone) man, ubiquitous Riley Osbourne on keys, the innovative Richard Bowden on violin, and, of course, T. Stephen Bruton, singer-writer-guitartist extraordinaire, late of Bonnie Raitt's band. 'Rebel Radio' was recorded on Willie Nelson's Pedernales Records.

"This is your world, come and take it
This is your world, it's what you make it
So make it your own"

Calvin Russell "This Is Your World" on the CD 'Soldier'
© 1993-2002 Calvin Russell. Worldwide Rights Reserved











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