Daniel Leutenegger, Rathausgasse 18, CH-3011 Bern, www.ch-cultura.ch

Daniel Leutenegger
Rathausgasse 18
CH-3011 Bern



18.02.2016 Die Auszeichnung World Press Photo of the Year 2015 geht an den australischen und derzeit in Ungarn lebenden Fotografen Warren Richardson.

Foto: © Warren Richardson, http://www.worldpressphoto.org/news/2016-02-18/world-press-photo-year-2015-goes-warren-richardson

The jury of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest has selected an image by Australian photographer Warren Richardson as the World Press Photo of the Year 2015.

The World Press Photo of the Year honors the photographer whose visual creativity and skills made a picture that captures or represents an event or issue of great journalistic importance in the last year.

Richardson's picture - which also won first prize in the Spot News category - shows refugees crossing the border from Serbia into Hungary, near Horgoš (Serbia) and Röszke (Hungary). Taken at night on 28 August 2015, this man and child were part of the movement of people seeking to cross into Hungary before a secure fence on the border was completed.

Warren Richardson is a freelance photographer, currently based in Budapest, Hungary. He explained how the picture was made:

"I camped with the refugees for five days on the border. A group of about 200 people arrived, and they moved under the trees along the fence line. They sent women and children, then fathers and elderly men first. I must have been with this crew for about five hours and we played cat and mouse with the police the whole night. I was exhausted by the time I took the picture. It was around three o'clock in the morning and you can't use a flash while the police are trying to find these people, because I would just give them away. So I had to use the moonlight alone."

Francis Kohn, chair of the general jury, and photo director of Agence France-Presse, said:

"Early on we looked at this photo and we knew it was an important one. It had such power because of its simplicity, especially the symbolism of the barbed wire. We thought it had almost everything in there to give a strong visual of what's happening with the refugees. I think it's a very classical photo, and at the same time it's timeless. It portrays a situation, but the way it's done is classic in the greatest sense of the word."

Quelle / Mehr / Kontakt:


Ein Australier hat das Welt-Presse-Foto des Jahres 2015 geschossen. Er nahm es im August an der Grenze von Serbien zu Ungarn auf - bei Mondschein, um die Flüchtlinge nicht zu verraten, wie er sagte.


Die Jury sei der Ansicht, dass dieses Bild "alles hat", um einen starken visuellen Eindruck davon zu vermitteln, "was mit den Flüchtlingen geschieht", sagte Kohn. Der Vize-Fotochef von Al-Dschasira in den USA, Vaughn Wallace, lobte das Foto als "unglaublich kraftvoll".

Der in Budapest ansässige freischaffende Richardson hatte mit einer Gruppe von rund 200 Flüchtlingen fünf Tage lang an der serbisch-ungarischen bei Röszke campiert, als die Menschen in der Nacht vom 28. August 2015 durch die Absperrungen drangen.



Der scharf blitzende Stacheldraht, die Hände, die sich aus der Dunkelheit dem Baby entgegenstrecken: Die Jury des World Press Photo würdigte die starke Aussagekraft der Aufnahme. "In seiner Einfachheit, vor allem durch das Symbol des Stacheldrahtes, entfaltet es eine solche Kraft", sagte der Vorsitzende Francis Kohn, Foto-Chef der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.





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