19.05.2017 Der 1949 in Brooklin (New York) geborene US-amerikanische Fotojournalist Stanley Greene (Bild) ist am 19. Mai 2017 in Paris gestorben.
Foto: © Sara Shatz,
Passing away this morning, the American photographer leaves a legacy of outstanding work and memories of an elegant, generous man
"You know how good a flower smells when you have smelled death," Stanley Greene once told Clement Saccomani, the managing director of the Noor agency Greene had co-founded in 2007. A cornerstone of contemporary photojournalism and storytelling, Greene died this morning, facing his disease as he faced his life - fighting.
Susanna D'Aliesio
Stanley Greene wasn't just a war photographer - a label he both embraced and despised. He was also a poet who always searched for dignity, justice and larger truths in every one of his photographs. A passionate lover of life, he defied death across the years, whether on the front lines or at home. But, after a long fight with cancer, one of America's greatest photographers died Friday morning surrounded by his closest friends and colleagues.
Olivier Laurent
Mr. Greene, one of the few African-American photographers who worked internationally, was known for his visceral and brutally honest photographs of wars, including conflicts in Chechnya, Georgia, Afghanistan and Iraq, that at times were too raw for many publications.
James Estrin
Ses photos, tranchantes et contrastées, retenues ou lyriques, pointées
sur des détails, des visages ou des instants silencieux, construisent une
approche subjective de la photographie documentaire. Il avait raconté sa vie, à
la première personne, dans Black Passport (Ed. Textuel, 2009), qui mêle
aventures sentimentales et terrain.
Stanley Greene, figure sensuelle et blessée de la photo de guerre
L'immense photographe Stanley Greene est mort à Paris vendredi, à 68 ans. Il laisse une œuvre marquante, à son image: sincère, passionnée, sensible, sans concession.
Clémentine Mercier
Der gebürtige New Yorker wurde fünfmal von der Organisation World Press Photo für das beste Pressefoto des Jahres ausgezeichnet.
In seiner Jugend war Greene Mitglied der radikalen Schwarzen-Organisation Black Panthers und engagierte sich gegen den Vietnamkrieg.