Daniel Leutenegger, Rathausgasse 18, CH-3011 Bern, www.ch-cultura.ch

Daniel Leutenegger
Rathausgasse 18
CH-3011 Bern

Der US-amerikanische Filmproduzent Saul Zeaentz ist gestorben

Der US-amerikanische Filmproduzent Saul Zeaentz ist gestorben

04.01.2014 Der am 28. Februar 1921 in Passaic, New Jersey, geborene überaus erfolgreiche US-amerikanische Musik- und Filmproduzent und mehrfache Oscar-Preisträger Saul Zaentz (Bild) ist am 3. Januar 2014 in San Francisco, Kalifornien, gestorben.

Foto: http://www.imdb.com

"Der englische Patient" und "Einer flog übers Kuckucksnest": Oscar-Preisträger Saul Zaentz produzierte einige der grössten Filme der Kinogeschichte. Als Rechteinhaber der Tolkien-Trilogie wählte er Peter Jackson für die Verfilmung von "Der Herr der Ringe". Jetzt ist er im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben.


Warum wir "Mr. Gier" ewig dankbar sein müssen

Der Produzent Saul Zaentz hat nur zehn Filme gemacht, aber 22 Oscars gewonnen. Ohne ihn hätte es das "Kuckucksnest", "Amadeus" und den "Englischen Patienten" nicht gegeben. Nun ist Zaentz gestorben.

Hanns-Georg Rodek


Mr. Zaentz (pronounced zants) was comfortably in his 50s when he began making movies and had already made a fortune in the music business from the success of the rock group Creedence Clearwater Revival and the acquisition of a formidable jazz catalog.

In a business driven by celebrity stars and box-office profits, he staked his reputation and his money on serious, intelligent films, often based on offbeat prizewinning books or plays, featuring rising stars and relatively untested directors passionate about the collaboration.

Robert D. McFadden


Incredibly, two of his best picture Oscars were his first two films: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Amadeus. His third film was the internationally acclaimed The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988), nominated for a pair of Academy Awards.

He teamed with fledgling producer Michael Douglas on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The Jack Nicholson-starrer based on Ken Kesey's novel earned Zaentz his first Academy Award, which he shared with Douglas. The film took home the top five Oscars, a rare achievement.

Duane Byrge, Mike Barnes


The entrepreneurial and famously litigious Zaentz, who spent most of his life as a record producer, did not become involved in the movie business until he was in his 50s. He produced only a handful of movies - many of them self-financed.

Richard Natale










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