Der amerikanische Designer Charles Pollock ist gestorben
21.08.2013 Der 1930 geborene US-amerikanische Designer Charles Pollock (Bild) ist im Alter von 83 Jahren bei einem Brand in seiner Wohnung in New York ums Leben gekommen.
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Auffällige Polsterung, Aluminiumrahmen, Räder: Der Büromöbel-Klassiker "Pollock Executive Chair" machte Charles Pollock zu einem der wichtigsten Möbeldesigner des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Pollock grew up in the Detroit area and graduated from high school there. He moved to New York to study at the School of Art and Design at the Pratt Institute.
He introduced his Pollock Executive Chair in 1963 for the Knoll company. The chair, set on rolling wheels, was visually distinctive with tufted upholstery and an aluminum band around its edges. Knoll started manufacturing the chair in 1965 and continues to this day. At the time, the chair far outstripped the production of any other piece, a Knoll Inc. spokesman said.
Furniture designer Charles Pollock, who designed the ubiquitous 20th Century office chair, has died in a fire at his home in New York.
The Pollock Executive Chair, which he designed for Knoll in 1963, is one of the best-selling office chairs in history.
It spawned many copies and became a visual symbol of the modern workplace.